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Sunday, March 27, 2011


What Is The Bible?
People generally have their own preconceived ideas about the Bible, and before they even open its pages, they have already made up their minds as to what it is and what it means. Therefore, there is a great tendency to misunderstand or simply be unaware of what the Bible actually says.
There are over six billion people in this world and each person has his or her own thoughts about God. Many think of the Bible as one of religion’s sacred writings. As Buddhism has its sutras, Confucianism has the writings of Confucius, and Islam has the Koran, there is a great tendency to consider Christianity as being simply another of these religions and the Bible as its holy writings. People ask what is so special about the Bible. Other religions also have their books of morals, so what is the difference? This is an attitude commonly held by those who have not really looked into the matter in any depth.
Some people think it is better to gloss over matters such as these and simply believe without question. They feel it is unnecessary to go into these matters in such detail. There is no need for blind faith, however, when the Bible shows us the facts very clearly. Blind faith can be very dangerous; it can lead a person along the path to eternal damnation. It is important to know precisely and question things in detail until you grasp something definite. If the Bible we read and the Gospel we are preaching are also false and nothing but a meaningless pack of lies and not true, many people are putting a great deal of time and effort into something which is utterly meaningless. I would like to say in advance that the Bible definitely is not a mere book of religious writings and morals. As we study the Bible we will begin to take as our theme, ‘THE BIBLE IS TRUE’, and we will continue to examine carefully with reference to many of the verses contained in its pages in order to ascertain its veracity. This is why it is so important to know for certain whether the Bible is credible or not. If you find, as I have, that the Bible is indeed true, you will also realize that the consequences are enormously rewarding and you will see that this is not a matter to be taken lightly.
Jesus said “Every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown into eternal fire”. As Christian we are to become light and salt of the world and be accountable for the faith that we received. We must not submit ourselves to laws of this materialistic world and put the word of God in subjection to man made rules. 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

What it means to be a Christian in the 21st Century

Even though majority of the world population belongs to Christian religion, it is not so in Asia. To be a Christian and practice our faith in every aspect of life is quite Challenging. Here majority of the people are ignorance about Christianity and Christ.

A Brief Outlines.
  1. Misconceptions or incomplete notions about Christianity.
  2. A mere religious system.
  3. A mere moral system.
  4. A social or humanitarian system.
  5. An escape from the realities of life.
            We can not give all the answers but as Christian we need to live a life worthy of the call. We are the only Bible people around are reading. That's why all these things are happening. The true essence of Christianity is in union with God, made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a relationship initiated by God, out of His mercy and love for us. With science and technology we did not discover God, it was He who took the first step and draw us to Him. (Titus 3:3-7) When we accept God's invitation, we become a new creation and participate in the very life of Christ, taking on the nature of God, which is holiness.(Col 3:5-10)
           Thus, we become son of God.(Gal 4:4-7) Therefore, we are brothers and sisters in Christ and are committed to care for one another. We can trust in God because He is our loving Father, we can stop worrying because God knows our needs and will provide for us. (Lk 12: 22-31, Lk 11:9-13) Will you continue to be open to discover the fullness of God's plan for you? Can you do this in an absolute trust in God, ready to place yourself completely in His hands? Since life on earth is temporary, we are to look to things that will enrich us for our eternal life rather than for this earthly life. Then we can have peace and joy in spite of any circumstances. (Rom 8:28-39)

Have a blessed lent

MCCM Editorial desk

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Repentance and Faith

we have heard so many times about God's love, about what Jesus has done for us, about the relationship initiated by God with us. If God has done all these things for us, it is time for us to respond.
  1. Repent and believe in Jesus (MK 1:14-15)
  •  Repentance is not dependent on feelings but rather it depends on an objective desision to accept only God's righteousness into one's life and reject anything not compatible with this. We should not confuse with sorrow for sin because we are afraid of the consequences. We must hate sin itself and actively turn away from sin and decide not to do it again. Don't expect to be able to change all by yourself. Ask God's forgiveness. 1Jn 1:9
  • Repentance is not just a simple confession of wrongdoing. Rather, it refers to a change in direction and a change of mind. It is a significant change in the way I live my life. It affects the way I think and act, my attitudes, motives, though and behavior. It means to reform my live, believe in the gospel, i.e., have faith in Jesus alone and the message he brings. It is turning to a life of total obedience to God and having Jesus on the throne of my life.
  • Repentance and faith go together. It is a double-action response. We cannot just have one without the other. To just reform our lives is an inadequate response to God. We need to believe in Jesus and in His plans and promises. To simply believe without doing anything to reform our lives to become pleasing to God is also inadequate. Faith necessarily needs to be connected to morality. In other words, faith without works is dead.
  • Bible references.
  • Rev. 3:20 it is an individual act. We need to decide on our own and must open the door for Jesus to come into our lives.
  • Mt 14:25-29) it is an indispensable and deliberate act. It is a step needed to receive all God has promised. The future is uncertain and time is passing away. So it is an urgent act.
  • Acts 16:31 a promise of salvation, from sin, Satan, death and a promise of forgiveness and eternal life with God.
  • Lk 11:19-13 a promise of new life in the Spirit.
2000 years ago, Jesus sounded the call to repentance and faith. It is the same call to us today as we observe lent season. Let us take  the challenge to repent and believe in Jesus. Then take God upon His pomises, and expect to experience the peace and joy and power of the Lord in our lives.

MCCM desk

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Youth to the World

Youth is the backbone of Society. They are our tomorrow leaders and need to be guided in a most contructive and peaceful way. The aim and objective of MCCM for 2011 is to strenghten and empower the youth in all our activities, lookout talented people and encourage them to mobilise their gifted talents for the glory of God. On the 6th of March 2011 MCCM started the so call singsong service side by side with Bible sharing and Adult catechism class. It will be continued on every first sunday of the month throughout the year. MCCM would like to invite all the catholic youth around Kuala Lumpur to come and experience what Jesus can do for your life. Jesus can change your past, change your life and make you whole. But you must make the first move to come and see at St. John Cathedral, Bukit Nanas, Kuala Lumpur
